Sunday, May 22, 2011

How to Draw a Cartoon Clydesdale Horse

Magnificent, stylish, and strong -- these are the words most people would use describe the popular Clydesdale horse. Our step-by-step instructions will guide you through drawing a cartoon Clydesdale horse from start to finish.

To draw a cartoon Clydesdale horse, examine the illustration of the cartoon Clydesdale horse before proceeding to step 1.
Learn how to draw this cartoon Clydesdale horse.

In this section, we'll show you how to draw the above cartoon Clydesdale horse. You can draw this cartoon Clydesdale horse freehand while looking at your computer monitor or print out this page to get a closer look at each step.

Follow the red lines in each illustration to learn exactly what to draw in that step. The lines drawn in previous steps are shown in gray. Here, we'll show you an illustration of each step and then give you a description of how to draw it.

When drawing a cartoon Clydesdale horse, start by drawing the body, head, and snout. Sketch curved lines for the neck.

Step 1: Use a large oval body. Draw a circle and smaller oval for the head and snout. Connect them with two short curved lines. Sketch two curved lines for the neck.

To draw a cartoon Clydesdale horse, add the legs.

Step 2: Begin each front leg with a U-shape. To each one add two parallel lines and a circle overlapping a pointed oval. For the back leg on your right, draw parallel lines (two short and two long).

Overlap a circle with a pointed oval. For the other rear leg, sketch a partial egg-shaped figure. Add two parallel lines connected to a circle overlapping a pointed oval.

When drawing a cartoon Clydesdale horse, add the snout, nostrils, lips, eyes, mane, ears, and tail. Form shoulders and hooves.
Step 3: Attach curved lines, U-shapes, and J-shapes for the snout, nostrils, lips, and jaw. Use two upside-down U-shapes for the eyes. Place the one on your left above a curved line.

Connect curved V-shapes to form the ears and mane. Use a huge comma-shaped figure and an attached curved line for the tail and back. Shape the shoulders, legs, and hooves with curved lines, Y-shapes, and U-shapes.

When drawing a cartoon Clydesdale horse, draw hair on the legs. Detail the tail, back, shoulder, neck, snout, and mouth.
Step 4: Draw hair on the legs and tail by connecting curved V-shapes. Detail the legs, back, shoulder, neck, and tail with some curved lines. Place curved V-shapes and curved lines in the mane for some hair.

Sketch a curved line in the ear on your left. Use a tiny circle, two small U-shapes, and curved lines for the eyes and an eyelid. Detail the snout, nostril, and mouth with two curved lines and a thin tube with pointed ends.

To finish drawing a cartoon Clydesdale horse, darken the irises, nostril, and one hoof. Shade one ear and hooves.
Step 5: Darken the irises, nostril, and bottom of one front hoof. Shade one ear and the hooves with many curved lines.

Your cartoon Clydesdale horse is ready to strut his stuff. Bravo!

Prepare to switch gears. The next drawing will allow you to use your imagination and your newly acquired skills.

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